240 Blackfriars, Demandware London
Contracted office
How we helped
Office Commercial property and asset management Commercial tenant advisory
Get in touch
Michael Pain
Partner, Commercial
020 7016 0722 Email me About Michael

Following submission and acceptance of a competitive fee proposal, Carter Jonas was appointed by Demandware (UK) to assist them with the relocation of their London headquarters in City Point, EC2 to new premises of approximately 12,000 sq ft at 240 Blackfriars Road, SE1.

The brief was to provide technical due diligence services relating to the new premises in respect of suitability, cost, risk and potential improvements and to act as Employer’s Agent and provide project management and contract administration services for the subsequent CAT B fit-out of the new premises.

As part of the exercise we undertook, along with our Mechanical & Electrical services sub-consultant, a Validation Survey of the base build services installation. The results of this and the execution of the works that were subsequently identified proved invaluable in terms of providing Demandware with a premises in which all of the services installations operated correctly from the day on which they moved in. In our role as Employer’s Agent, we dealt with the landlord’s requirements in respect of wayleaves for data services and Licences for Alteration.

The fit-out was procured on a negotiated Design and Build basis with Oktra Ltd; a fit-out contractor that specialises in this type of project. Carter Jonas oversaw a detailed design and stakeholder engagement process led by Oktra. This process has resulted in a premises that functions extremely well for the client and incorporates all of the facilities and design features that the client desired with multi-use meeting rooms that can be arranged in different configurations, break-out areas, individual offices and kitchen facilities. The new premises has been provided with technologically advanced audio visual equipment throughout and a sophisticated room booking system.

The project programme was ambitious and was required to be completed within 12 weeks. Carter Jonas successfully managed to project to achieve completion on time and within budget.