CIL Relocation King Street, London
Contracted office
CIL Management Consultants Ltd
King Street, London
How we helped
Building consultancy Office Commercial property and asset management Commercial tenant advisory
Get in touch
Edward Caines
Partner, Commercial
020 7016 0724 Email me About Edward
Ed is Head of Carter Jonas’ London Office Agency Team and advises on the marketing and letting of surplus office space located in the West End, City and Central London office markets. Ed advises landlords and tenants on developing office marketing strategies and carries out competition analysis. Ed also works with landlords in adding value to office buildings and improving rental returns, as well as representing landlords in lease negotiations.

Instructed to relocate CIL management consultants to new offices capable of accommodating approximately 45 staff.

CIL Management Consultants Ltd previously occupied approximately 2,500 sq ft within Covent Garden. Due to increasing office rents within Covent Garden and the need to be on a well-specified office floor, the City of London was identified as a good alternative, which offered a good representation of well-specified office space and value for money.

A suitable office floor was identified which had already attracted interest from two other parties. Carter Jonas successfully negotiated and secured the office floor in the face of interest from other bidding parties.

The Carter Jonas Building Consultancy Team were appointed to undertake the pre-contract due-diligence surveys, ensuring that the office floor and air-conditioning was adequate for the term of the lease, being 10 years. Carter Jonas’s Building Consultancy Team also successful negotiated the dilapidations settlement on CIL’s existing Covent Garden offices.

5,000 sq ft office floor acquired within the City of London, EC2. Carter Jonas Building Consultancy Team ensured the floor was capable of accommodating CIL’s specific requirements.