Ingeus Office Acquisition North East England
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North East England
How we helped
Office Commercial property and asset management Commercial tenant advisory
Get in touch
John Webster
0113 203 1063 Email me About John

Carter Jonas’s team in Leeds identified and acquired suitable premises for Ingeus to open six new offices in the North East. Ingeus is a business helping people from a wide variety of backgrounds to improve their skills and get into work.

Early in 2011, the company won a contract with the Department for Work and Pensions to run “back to work” training facilities in a number of locations throughout the UK. Carter Jonas’s Leeds office was instructed by Ingeus to help prepare a shortlist of suitable properties as potential new offices, inspect various options, and negotiate terms.

Most of the offices would range between 4,000 and 7,000 sq ft and there were strict criteria for ease of access by the public and a general open-plan layout. The task was completed within a very tight timescale, from being advised of the options on a Wednesday evening, to delivering on the following Monday an itinerary for inspections, a précis of all the available space, and accompanying Ingeus personnel on numerous viewings. This resulted in the successful acquisition of office premises in Ashington, North Shields, South Shields, Gateshead, Sunderland, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

“Negotiations were dealt with swiftly, and nearly all of the properties were in solicitors’ hands within a couple of weeks. We needed to work quickly and efficiently, having won the contract, and I have no doubt that Carter Jonas helped save Ingeus a good deal of time, provided us with appropriate advice and saved us money through negotiation of excellent terms.”
Russell Hurley, Ingeus.