New Warehouse Needingworth, Cambridgeshire
Contracted office
Lloyds Bank plc
Architecture & Building Consultancy
Needingworth, Cambridgeshire
How we helped
Building consultancy Industrial Commercial property and asset management
Get in touch
Keith Fuller
Partner, Building Consultancy
01223 326550 Email me About Keith
Keith is a Partner in the commercial team and is based out of our Cambridge office.

The Carter Jonas Building Consultancy Team provided a monitoring service in relation to a £2 million new build warehouse facility. The team undertook site inspections, reviewed the project information throughout the building and prepared staged reports for the lending bank.

Our focus is on building a sound relationship with the borrower from whom information is required to flow transparently and periodically.

It was key in this project to work closely with the borrower in order that funds could be drawdown in a timely manner. Our attention is also concerned with identifying and project risks and we bring our experience of de-risking projects alongside the borrower.

There are cases when the borrower may not be an experienced construction professionals and we are able to bring an added level of expertise to the project, through the funder.