Rickman’s Green Village Plaistow, West Sussex
Table top with Loft style Interior Building Decoration
Chichester District Council
Planning & Development
Plaistow, West Sussex
How we helped
Financial viability Masterplanning and urban design

Carter Jonas Masterplanning team have submitted an outline application for up to 475 homes on land at Crouchlands Farm to the north of Chichester District in West Sussex.

The residential scheme, known as ‘Rickmans Green Village’, is set around a mixed use village centre which is the subject of a separate outline application. The village includes a culinary school, a glamping and hospitality development, a rural enterprise centre, and a farm shop.

A second residential option is proposed which includes for a 2FE primary school.

The residential proposals are set carefully within the wider rural setting, with careful integration of Ancient Woodland buffers and ecotones to support bat foraging. A range of residential densities are proposed, with the first phase for 125 homes submitted as a

detailed application simultaneously alongside the outline, making 600 homes in total. The landowner client is currently engaging with the developer market.

Rickmans Green Village masterplan map view